
GOOD - Why we cannot walk straight

I ran across this little animation on GOOD. While this is a bit of a 'silly' mystery of the human brain, I think it is something for which one could easily use as an illustration as to our spiritual sides as well.

A Mystery: Why Can't We Walk Straight? from NPR on Vimeo.

Christians hold the community of God (not the Bible) as our frame of reference. We worship a living God not a book. It is not a coincidence that in his inaugural sermon, Jesus declared he came to give sight to the blind and release the captives. For the Christian, it is Jesus who sets us free to see so that we might walk straight.

We are not perfect and we still walk off the straight path. It seems to happen when we are looking at Jesus and nothing else. Just as we need a reference point to walk straight, we also need to look at the path and the context around us to not step on anyone else as we walk.

I share this with you and ask, what is your reference point that keeps you walking straight?

"You Won't Remember This Either"

This sort animation moved me as I think of my son growing up.

The Animated Life: ‘You Won’t Remember This Either’
By By Jeff Scher
Published: January 6, 2009
A filmmaker turns his eye on his toddler in this animated short.

I will add the strangeness of being a dad has gotten to me lately. It is an amazing and scary thing to look at my son. He is full of life, joy, light and energy. He laughs at the simplest of things, and like most children he is fascinated with lent, mini blinds, day old Cheerios on the floor and wrapping paper. Jude brings me great joy, laughter and delight... it is amazing.

And yet, each time I look at him I am reminded of my own mortality. As he gains a head of beautiful thin hair, my own grows thinner. While he learns to crawl faster and walk even faster, I find it harder to get up out of couches as I used to. As he gets older so do I. Being a parent of one eleven month old really really has been a season of simultaneously expanding and condensing of time.