Barack Obama

Obama changes more lives than Jesus?

Over the past several days I have noticed there are many people who talk about Obama would change their lives. Some talk about this change in terms of fear while others talk about this change in terms of joy. Regardless of the side of the fence a person is on about Obama there are a lot of people with opinions about how an Obama presidency will change their lives.

I have no problem with this conversation, in fact I have been engaged in these conversations myself.

My problem comes with the seemingly lack of these conversations with Christians and how Jesus has changed or is changing their lives. I have given my life to Jesus and followed him for much longer than I have been following Obama and yet I have heard more conversations about the Obama change in the past two years than I have heard of the Jesus change over the past ten years.

I am glad to see an Obama presidency has invoked passion in people and invited people to examine how their lives will change.

I just want to know, does Obama change more lives than Jesus?

When will Barack Obama be in the spell-checkers of the world?

With all the instant messaging and the automatic updates, I have got to ask? When will Barack Obama be recognized by "spell checker"? Spellcheckers on Microsoft pick up the word iPhone but not the first real candidate of the president of the U.S.!

Don't get me wrong, I am only able to write anything because of the wonderful and magnificent spell checkers of the world. Couldn't someone over at Google just add his name to their word list? How about Microsoft?