
The Gospel is not natural, which is what makes it so difficult?

I have hear this time and time again - the Gospel is not natural.

The Gospel is hard. It is counter cultural. It is not natural to human nature that is what makes it so difficult to live out.​ If it were easy then everyone would do it. 

The Gospel calls people to die to self, care for the poor, live selflessly, practice hospitality, work for reconciliation, ​share forgiveness, embody love. 

The more that I think about it, perhaps the Gospel is the most natural thing in the world.

Perhaps we have bought in so much to the American values - self-determination, individualism, more is better, bigger is best, mine is mine, give only for what you get out of it, consume people and resources, and personal pleasure is the point of life - that we are convinced the Gospel is not natural. 

The Gospel is not natural? ​Maybe not.