Church as a statue

Came across this video and I could not help but wonder if there was a connection between the statue and the church in a couple of ways.

Among many church leaders and members we still operate under the impression that we have arrived.  That is to say, we have created something that is great and people will come to it because we have "good news" and the church provides for people something they could not get anywhere else.  Like this statue, many in the church feel that if you just build it people will come and look at it and admire it and interact with it in "an appropriate " way.

But the thing is the world has and is changing so much that now people are much more like this playful dog than casual observers of the statue.

That is to say, people are interacting with the church differently than expected and the church is still expecting people to interact with it in ways that no longer are viable.  People are wondering if the church will move and interact with the world, or if it will just sit there and continue to look pretty.