
Struggling with a parable - Dishonest Manager

On Sunday we had the sermon come from Luke 16:1-10. I struggle with this parable, and so I began to look around at some of my sources which I really like in order to give me a greater/deeper understanding of the parable.

An online essay by David Landry and Ben May entitled "Honor Restored: New Light on the Parable of the Prudent Steward (Luke 16:1-8a)" states this:

1. A master hears that his steward has been misappropriating funds. His honor and status in the community are threatened by the public perception that he cannot control his employees, so he resolves to save face by immediately dismissing the employee.

2. The steward faces a crisis. Being a steward is the only thing that he knows how to do, but the fact that he now has a reputation for dishonoring his master means that he will not be able to secure employment anywhere else as a steward. He tries to get himself out of trouble by restoring his master's honor and salvaging his reputation as a good, loyal steward. He forgives a portion of the amount owed by his master's debtors. People would assume that the steward was acting on the master's orders, so these gestures would make the master look generous and charitable in the eyes of society. The prestige and honor gained by such benefaction would far outweigh the monetary loss to the master.

3. The master hears what the steward has done and praises him for his actions since his honor has been restored. Moreover, the steward is now in a position either to keep his position with this master or to secure one elsewhere, since his reputation for loyalty and good service has been recovered.

And so this becomes a parable about honor, debts, social status, commerce, etc.

The need for purification?

Reading a book of mine (Brokenness and Blessing: Toward A Biblical Spirituality). Although only on chapter one, there was an image given about katharsis (purification). As Lent comes upon us, I would like to share it.

"Mary Douglas suggests a parable which brings out this point: the gardener removes weeds, so to 'purify' the flowerbeds; then she puts the weeds in the compost bin, and later restores them to the garden, since they have become life giving."

I know this is a rich metaphor and I do not want to taint it with my own interpretation, I just want to share and remember it for not only this Lent but all my seasons of katharsis to come...